Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Life Lately

Life has been sort of hazy lately. I wake up and I feed the baby and then I try to go back to sleep but often fail because wouldn't you know it, she's hungry again. I spend most of my day sitting in our green chair nursing and mobile facebooking, because it's sort of hard to balance a laptop and a baby on your legs at the same time. 

We did get out of the house yesterday though! It was great. I put on some clothes and some make-up and Leighton, my Mother and I went out to dinner. I put Ruby in her sling and she slept against my chest the whole time. This was my view looking down.


The restaurant we went to was actually the first in the area to disappoint me food wise. It was billed as Greek and American food, but there sure wasn't a ton of greek. Sad day. So to make up for it we took a stroll to the Creamery where I indulged in a mini (but seriously, the mini is still really big) cookie dough ice-cream and then wished I had gotten the large, because my appetite has been insane lately.

Anywho, today I'm planning on snuggling a squishy newborn and then doing a photo shoot for her. I'll let you know how that goes, but I'm hopeful that they will turn out well and I'll have something lovely to show you tomorrow. 

Now here are a couple more pictures to brighten your day. 

^^^Yeah, we're pretty tired. 

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